Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 2018 Reflections

As I mentioned in my last blog, I do not have the resources to do much blogging at this moment in my life.  However, I do not want to abandon it completely.  Here is my attempt to keep some activity without having to expend a lot of time and energy on it.  For 2018, I will try to do a monthly reflections blog posted on the last day of the month.  If my schedule opens up later, or I feel inspired to post something extra, then I will do so.  This however will give at least 12 blogs for the year if I can stick to it.

I am borrowing and adapting a format that I read on someone else’s blog.  I wish I could remember who it was, because I would definitely give her credit.  The other blogger did this format for a daily reflection to end her days.  I am going to do it as a monthly reflection to review how my life is going.  It is broken down into three sections:  The Good, The Challenges, and the Future.  The Good focuses on gratitudes, special events, accomplishments, and other things that make me happy.  The Challenges reflect on problems, disappointments, struggles, and other things that did not go so well.  The Future looks forward to things I am excited for in the future or perhaps challenges I know are coming my way.

The Good

The Blinds by Adam Sternbergh – This was an awesome book to kick off the year.  It is a complicated story full of interesting twists and moral dilemmas.  It was entertaining while also making me think.

The Desire Map Daily Planner by Danielle LaPorte – I read the book The Desire Map last year, and I am using the planner this year.  So far, I really like the layout.  It includes the time schedule and the to do list that other planners always incorporate, but it adds little sections to help remind yourself what is most important.

CPA Studying – I have done much better with studying for the CPA this month.  Towards the end of this month, I determined all the sections of the Wiley software for REG that I had not completed yet.  I scheduled them out, taking into considerations obligations already made, through my testing date March 3.  So far I have stuck to the new schedule.

Ballet Burn – Pilates class at work had a two week hiatus, so I tried a new class at my gym called Ballet Burn.  It is a combination of ballet and Pilates done at a pretty fast pace.  I really loved it.  I was going to use it as an alternative to Pilates when there was no class.  However, work is apparently changing Pilates to Wednesday going forward, so I should be able to do both now.

Less Soda – I outlined some healthy eating goals for myself for the year, adding changes one month at a time.  I tried to keep it light in January, because I knew changes during a quarter close are difficult.  My goal was 1-2 sodas per week, and I actually managed about 2 sodas per week.  For reference, I was more like a 1-2 sodas per day type of girl.

The Challenges

Work – It was the quarter so that is always hard.  I am so unmotivated by my job right now, that I really struggle getting through all the extra hours.  I feel frustrated with all the weird transactions that they do last minute and the lack of communication that surrounds them.  I get impatient with my staff who are great workers but not so great at the little details.  I just know it is time to move on to another position, but I feel so guilty.  I know there are challenging things in the future (like the updated Lease Accounting Standard implementation) where they are probably counting on me to contribute.

Sick – I had some kind of virus during the month.  Lately I feel like I get sick every quarter.  I assume I had a virus this time (though I do not think it the flu that is going around), but sometimes I wonder if I just work myself into the ground and my body gives up.

Husband – My husband is extremely unhappy in his job right now.  It is making him a miserable person to be around at home.  I am trying to be supportive but it is hard.  I am going through my own job burnout, and I do not always feel I have the patience and energy to deal with his too.  I also think he is sometimes unreasonable about what he thinks the company owes him.  It is hard to be supportive when I think he is being a bit obnoxious at times.  He has put in his notice with his last day during the end of February.  They supposedly have been trying to convince him to stay, but at this point I hope he really does walk away.

The Future

CPA Studying – Studying is going to dominate my February.  The schedule plan that I created has about 1-2 hours per week night (except Wednesday which is a hubby night) and about 7-8 hours both weekend days.  There some changes to the schedule based on obligations I had already made, but otherwise February is study month.  I waited too long to get serious, and now I really have to focus if I have any chance of passing March 3rd.

Book Club – My book club meets about every other month, rotating houses as meeting places.  I volunteered for February, before I realized how crazy my schedule was going to be.  None the less, I am looking forward to it.

Staycation – The last few years I have tried to take a week off at the end of February, and I am doing it again this year.  I need some space away from work before we get into the fiscal year end craziness.  I use this time to relax, read, watch movies, eat good food, and do some projects around the house.  This year of course I will be studying too.

There you have it, my month in review.  See you next month!