Thursday, December 1, 2016

I Have a Desk Too – Front Room December 2016

This month’s update is definitely better than the last one.  I actually did get some things accomplished in the front room.  I had a little burst of motivation which helped me make progress, despite being away two of the four weekends this month.  My office is starting to come together.  I feel like I might possibly even finish that one section of the room before my year is over.  Below are some more details, along with the comparison photos.  October 2nd is on the left, December 1st is on the right.

The most exciting part of the month is the arrival of my desk, which is the last big piece of furniture for that side of the room.  Additionally, I finally unboxed and put together the two chairs that arrived in October.  In more boring updates, I started to clean the floor, although that probably does not show up well in the pictures.  It is a rather tedious process to scrub paint off a hardwood floor, so I am nowhere near done.  In the past month, I probably have done about a third of the office side of the room.  I have started to haul some boxes back down from Shawn’s room.  Most of the stuff in his room is office-related and I have always felt bad taking over his bedroom, so it makes the most sense to start unpacking from there first.  Some of these boxes are currently in the living room side of the room on the floor, and some of them have been haphazardly unpacked into the lateral file and onto the shelves.

Next month, I am going to finish the office side of the room.  This mostly entails unpacking boxes and organizing all my stuff.  I do need to do some shopping still, including a floor lamp, more bookends, some inbox trays, and a random spattering of office supplies.  I will have to put some hours into cleaning more paint off the floor.  The electrical work still needs to be completed on that side as well, although I am beginning to think I may need to hire someone to finish it since asking my husband to do it does not seem to be working.  I want to hang some of my diplomas and awards, but that is another husband job.  On the other side of the room, I need to start cleaning up the junk that has accumulated.  Some of it will naturally disappear as I unpack the office items.  More of it though needs to be trashed, or donated, or relocated to my husband’s areas of the house.  This moth will be busy with Christmas, but I feel optimistic I can get some work done.  Maybe I will not have completed the front room in a year, but it would be nice if I could at least complete the office part.

See you next week!





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