Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everybody, my name is Ella J. Cee.

This is my first attempt at any kind of online writing.  Therefore, I ask your patience as I learn how to use this website and as I find my online voice.  As a first posting, I want to give some background on why I wanted to start blogging.

The first reason is that I want to be a writer.  I have always loved to write, and I thought that this would just be a part of who I was.  Somewhere along the way though, I lost the time and motivation to do it.  In high school and college, I wrote a number of short stories and small novels, but as an adult I let other work and personal obligations push it to the side.  I have recently realized that I have not written anything that was my own in years.  So this blog is my first step in writing more.  I hope that by giving myself a weekly obligation, it will help to build up the habit of using my free time to write instead of watching TV or surfing the internet.  Plus, this will give me the practice I need to become a better writer.

The second reason is to use this space as a way to explore myself and the life that I have created.  There are times when I have no idea how I got to where I am, if this is really what I want from my life, if there are any changes I should make, and how I should go about making those changes.  So this is a way to help myself work through all these ideas.  While I do not intend this blog to be solely journal-like (I have one of those already), it may from time to time take on an introspective quality.  At other times, I may use it to process and question outside events that are affecting my life.  In the end, I hope to have a better idea of who I really am.

The final reason is to provide interesting material for others to read.  The whole point of publishing online instead writing more in my personal journal is to have other people read it.  Hopefully, I will gain readers along the way that will find what I am offering worth the time spent reading it.  This blog will be very wide in its focus, covering a variety of topics at different levels of depth.  I would consider myself a fairly average person with no real expertise or passion on which to focus a blog.  Although I appreciate those that do focus narrowly on a topic to provide in-depth information when I need it, I also have the desire to read people who seem just average like me.  And so, I plan to jump around discussing a little bit of everything that touches my life.  In this way, I hope to offer readers some information, some entertainment, and hopefully a sense that there are people out them who are just like them.

There it is…my first blog post.   See you next week!

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